As you may notice, not alot of Primeval websites are around nower days due to the lack of posts and infomation provided. However, i have second thoughts. I am bringing you a fansite website dedicated to bringing you the number 1 news and infomation from series 1 to 3. So if you are a fan of this ITV Drama, then please be sure to use this site.

TV Movie of Primeval

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Alot of discussion about the fourth series of Primeval has been going on alot in newspapers, magazines and fan sites. Some have come up with some information that there will be a TV Movie of Primeval instead or as well as a brand new 13 part series. This is not for sure, and if there was going to be a film, alot of fans would be wanting to know if it will be out in the cinemas or just a Television Drama film. What do you think? Anyway, it is most likely that a fourth series will begin next year at the same time as the third series. How can we wait!?

1 comment

Square Eyes said...

a television movie sounds good!

7 June 2009 at 10:36

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